Training in Shanghai

La Lettre Sud Infos parle de GipsVision
Rencontres Industrielles de Maubeuge

GipsVision in Shanghai...SJCAE

Gips Vision trained in Septembre 2010 the test engineering team at Johnson Controls Shanghai on inspection tools Pixy and Graduel targeting test of dashboards clusters and displays.

formation_gipsvision After Reynosa plant in Mexico in Year 2009, then Gravatai in Brazil in january 2010, Johnson Controls plant in Shanghai has recently decided to train its test engineering team on GipsVision solutions.

During more than a week, several engineers alternately had presentations and praticising in labs or on line.

formation_gipsvision Johnson Controls is producing LCD Displays an dashboard clusters for automotive industry.

This growing activity in China requires always improving quality level, involving digital imaging testings.

Therefore GipsVision reinforces the spreading of its tools Pixy and Graduel, which just celebrated their 10 Years anniversary last December.

GipsVision also reaffirms its presence on the field, close to the needs, and a reliable support to its users worlwide.